02 December 2013

Reverse Macro Panorama!

Okay, this was foolish, but the assignment called on us to try new techniques. Here is a panorama of a drill bit shot with the reverse-lens macro technique:

ISO 80
.7 sec
50 mm lens mounted backwards
6 exposures stitched together in photoshop

You'll notice two things. First, the end of the bit is missing. Second, the bit seems to be getting larger towards the front, which of course a drill bit would not do.

The only way to do this properly would be to set up some kind of fixture to keep the camera and subject at exactly the same distance as you take each exposure. That wouldn't be so hard, really, but there would be no point making something like that unless you planned to take a lot of photos of small, long things. Worms or something.

One thing I learned from this is that old metal does look cool in macro photography.

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