ISO 400
31mm lens (~47mm equivalent)
ISO 400
31mm lens (~47mm equivalent)
I liked how the top one looked in b&w. It captured all of the age in my skin, which doesn't come across as well in color. It was interesting to see myself looking that old. I mean, accurately. I can't use this one because of the dark shadow from the coffee cup. I had to tone down the light a lot for this photo to look good at all, but that shadow clearly shows that the photo as edited is lying.
The one in color is maybe an obvious joke. The coffee is in focus but I am not. Which pretty much describes every morning of my life. I like this one. I like the soft focus and the transition out-of-focus. The Atka mug says something about the subject, if the viewer wants to look into it. I like that I'm looking away from the blank space rather than into it. Also the white corner (mug) and the black corner opposite.
Still needed one more self-portrait:
ISO 100
Zoom at 18mm (~27mm equivalent)
Camera in auto mode, triggered with remote
Wanted to get one more picture out of that pig. Ripped the plastic eyes off and burned the eyeholes bigger. I wanted to spend some more time on this. Try a few different compositions, inside and outside, shoot in manual, etc. But the second I put my head inside the pig, my eyes started to burn. This was only meant to be a test shot. I had to spot lighten my eye a little. Goodbye, pig.
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